Working Together for a Positive Change!

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Paid for by Weber for HD 19, PO Box 818 Great Falls, MT 59403 – Pam Guschausky – Treasurer

Working Together for a Positive Change!

Donate now!

Any amount helps. (Limit $400)

Paid for by Weber for HD 19, PO Box 818 Great Falls, MT 59403 – Pam Guschausky – Treasurer

I’m Jane Weber

Some say I’ve never met a meeting I didn’t like.

Truth is, I love process especially democracy in process where people get to build the world they want.

Like you, I want our grandchildren to grow up in a safe, beautiful Montana with boundless opportunities for a better life. That’s why I’m running for Legislative House District 19 so I can have a say in our kids’ future.

I was a Cascade County commissioner, so I know the cost to maintain gravel roads, provide public safety and fire protection, immunize babies, prosecute lawbreakers and deliver meals to shut-ins.

From my years with the Forest Service, I can run a chainsaw to thin a stand of trees and build a jackleg fence. I also have experience uniting people to a common purpose – defining the story and funding the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center. I successfully managed the Interpretive Center and built its reputation as a national destination.

Building the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center allowed me to bring people together for a common purpose even when ideas differed. I learned a lot from that experience.

I pledge to listen to and learn from people like you. You make Great Falls home and you know what we need to better our lives. I believe in you. Let me share some of the issues that matter to me:

All Montanans deserve the chance to prosper – with good paying jobs, health insurance, and a safe roof over their heads. Likewise, our community needs to prosper with robust businesses and a vibrant downtown.

Every child deserves a good public education where they discover their strengths and are given the tools to grow. Local control by parents and school boards is vital.

No Montanan should be forced to push “pause” when it comes to their or their child’s healthcare. We should be able to seek care when we need it – for an accident, a cough or when an early sign of a more serious health issue surfaces. No one should agonize over their ability to pay the cost for a doctor visit.

I pledge to listen to you and be your voice in Helena. I know how to carry your ideas forward and bring people together for the common good.

I ask for your support and vote for HD 19 in the Montana State Legislature so I can take your message to Helena.


Current Affiliations

  • Great Falls Chamber of Commerce Business Advocacy Committee
  • Downtown Development Partnership
  • Black Eagle Superfund Technical Advisory Group
  • Black Eagle Civic Club
  • Big Sky Country National Heritage Area Projects Committee
  • Portage Route Chapter of the L&C Trail Heritage Foundation
  • Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation

Previous Affiliations

  • City-County Board of Health
  • Gateway Community Services/Center for Mental Health (now Many Rivers Health)
  • Montana Association of County Officials
  • Rural Fire Council
  • DUI Taskforce
  • City-County Historic Preservation Advisory Commission
  • City-County Library Board
  • Big Sky Country National Heritage Area Inc. Board of Directors
  • State Workforce Innovation Board (Governor Appointment)
  • Hard Rock Mining Impact Board (Governor Appointment)
  • Policy Coordinating Committee for the Great Falls Metropolitan Organization (Transportation Planning)

Current Affiliations

Great Falls Chamber of Commerce Business Advocacy Committee

Downtown Development Partnership

Black Eagle Superfund Technical Advisory Group

Black Eagle Civic Club

Big Sky Country National Heritage Area Projects Committee

Portage Route Chapter of the L&C Trail Heritage Foundation

Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation

Previous Affiliations

City-County Board of Health

Gateway Community Services/Center for Mental Health (now Many Rivers Health)

Montana Association of County Officials

Rural Fire Council

DUI Taskforce

City-County Historic Preservation Advisory Commission

City-County Library Board

Big Sky Country National Heritage Area Inc. Board of Directors

State Workforce Innovation Board (Governor Appointment)

Hard Rock Mining Impact Board (Governor Appointment)

Policy Coordinating Committee for the Great Falls Metropolitan Organization (Transportation Planning)


Jane’s Vision
and the Core Issues She’ll Fight For


Economic Prosperity for All

Montanans deserve opportunities to prosper. Hard work, grit and determination only gets you so far in these economic times.

Whether we’re just starting out or able to give back, we all want to provide for our families, take care of our health needs, have a safe roof over our head, and benefit from a political and economic system that works.

Laws passed in 2023 did not help working Montanans. Instead of long-term solutions to fund the services we need, the legislature passed short-term fixes that benefited wealthy corporate interests. The legislature did not spread the expense of government equitably.

In our household budgets we invest in rent or mortgage, car payments, health insurance, groceries, education expenses, and other necessities. If we handled our household money the way the 2023 Legislature spent our state funds, we’d be squandering our hard-earned cash on frivolous toys with no payback, instead of investing in our future. There’s a huge surplus in state government, and we should be investing it for the next generation of Montanans.

That means:

  • Bolstering public education, providing incentives for vocational education
  • Supporting small businesses
  • Getting people the behavioral health care they need to stay in the game.

Our lawmakers failed us. They chose not to adjust tax formulas that have been successfully used before to stabilize homeowner property taxes. Instead, homeowners will shoulder a disproportionate share of the tax burden, while tax breaks for out-of-state corporate interests will cost Montana over $170 million per year.

Northwestern Energy will be paying less while we pay more. People earning $650,000 or more will pay proportionately less in income tax while we pay more. These cuts are unfair, and fail to help regular Montanans. They do nothing to help us with child care costs, housing costs, access to healthcare or good-paying jobs. We can do better.


Public Education

All my kids went to public schools in Great Falls, and they are prospering as young adults. I want that opportunity for the next generation of kids, too. Public education is the great equalizer upon which our nation was built. When everyone has a good education, everyone benefits.

The state government should be a partner with parents, educators, and local school boards in making sure that all kids have safe schools where they can find their strengths, and learn skills for a prosperous future. The state should do their part and leave us the local control to manage the curricula, programs, and safety of our kids.

Teachers deserve competitive wages and opportunities for advancement, just like the rest of us. Our state budget for education should reflect what we value: education, our kids, and the future they can envision.


Healthcare Access

When people are sick, they should be able to go to the doctor.

Getting health care when it is needed can be a matter of life and death, and is also critical to keeping costs low for insurance companies, the state, and Montanans. This shouldn’t be a problem in the richest country in the history of the world.

Parents shouldn’t agonize about taking their sick child to a pediatrician. Seniors who are not yet eligible for Medicare should be able to seek care and not worry about paying their rent, utility or food bill.

When an employer can only provide insurance with high deductibles, premiums and co-pays, one emergency room visit can derail a family’s path out of poverty. Imagine the stress this kind of situation causes families faced with a child’s injury or illness. It’s unacceptable.

In 2025, the legislature will reconsider Medicaid Expansion. Since passage, Montana has saved over $27 million by including the working poor in Medicaid. Emergency room visits are down and folks are seeking medical care early, catching health issues before they become serious and allowing them to continue to work and provide for their families.

Medicaid supports over 7,500 Montana jobs, generating $475 million in personal income. Since the passage of Medicaid expansion, no rural hospitals in our state have closed. Renewing this program is the fiscally responsible decision.

Latest News and Updates

Jane Weber talks about taxes

Reasons to vote for Jane Weber, Democrat. Paid for by Weber for HD 19, PO Box 818 Great Falls, MT 59403, Pam Guschausky – Treasurer

Why Jane Weber for Montana House District 19?

Reasons to vote for Jane Weber, Democrat. Paid for by Weber for HD 19, PO Box 818 Great Falls, MT 59403, Pam Guschausky – Treasurer

Jane Weber talks about healthcare issues

Reasons to vote for Jane Weber, Democrat. Paid for by Weber for HD 19, PO Box 818 Great Falls, MT 59403, Pam Guschausky – Treasurer

Jane Weber talks about education

Reasons to vote for Jane Weber, Democrat. Paid for by Weber for HD 19, PO Box 818 Great Falls, MT 59403, Pam Guschausky – Treasurer

Visiting with the community

Jane goes out in the community to visit with folks and get their views on the issues.

St. Patrick’s Day parade

Walking in the St. Patrick’s Day parade with friends and terrific Democratic candidates on a sunny day. What could be better? Many thanks to all the volunteers who joined the […]


Congratulations again on your formal endorsement for your campaign for the 2024 Montana State House race, from Planned Parenthood Advocates of Montana (PPAMT). We are honored you requested our endorsement.

We are happy to inform you that you have now been designated a 2024 Mental Health Now Candidate. Thank you again for committing to govern with mental health front of mind.

I am pleased to inform you that the Montana AFL-CIO has voted to endorse you in the upcoming general election. We thank you for your commitment to ensuring that every worker gets a fair shake and that we build an economy that truly works for everyone.

We are pleased endorse you for the 2024 election cycle from Montana Families for Vaccines. Thank you again for advocating for safe schools, workplaces, and communities, and for committing to govern with public health and evidence-based decisions as a priority.

I am pleased to inform you that Big Sky 55+ has officially endorsed your candidacy for the 2024 state legislature elections. We are confident that your leadership will contribute positively to the lives of our members and the broader community.



Congratulations again on your formal endorsement for your campaign for the 2024 Montana State House race, from Planned Parenthood Advocates of Montana (PPAMT). We are honored you requested our endorsement.

We are happy to inform you that you have now been designated a 2024 Mental Health Now Candidate. Thank you again for committing to govern with mental health front of mind.

I am pleased to inform you that the Montana AFL-CIO has voted to endorse you in the upcoming general election. We thank you for your commitment to ensuring that every worker gets a fair shake and that we build an economy that truly works for everyone.

We are pleased endorse you for the 2024 election cycle from Montana Families for Vaccines. Thank you again for advocating for safe schools, workplaces, and communities, and for committing to govern with public health and evidence-based decisions as a priority.

I am pleased to inform you that Big Sky 55+ has officially endorsed your candidacy for the 2024 state legislature elections. We are confident that your leadership will contribute positively to the lives of our members and the broader community.


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